Tesis work (in Spanish)
.- HII regions in Southern Galaxies, The Halpha luminosity Function,
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, September 1997, and
.- Multicolor polarization study of Ara OB1, Astronomical Journal, in press postscript .
1999, Waldhausen, S., Martinez, R., Feinstein, C.
.- The Extended Narrow Line Region of 3C 299, Astrophysical Journal accepted, postscript , 1999, C. Feinstein, F. D. Macchetto, A. Martel, W. B. Sparks, P. J. McCarthy
.- The highly polarized open cluster Trumpler 27, Astronomical Journal, in press postscript , 2000, C. Feinstein, Gustavo Baume, Ruben Vazquez, Virpi Niemela,Miguel Angel Cerruti